SBA Program & New Rules Facilitate SMEs' Business Exits

SBA Program & New Rules Facilitate SMEs' Business Exits
The banking industry for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is evolving rapidly in response to changes in social context and technology. One trend that is emerging is the need for business owners to monetize their companies as they reach retirement age. This is being facilitated by the Small Business Administration (SBA) program, which is allowing for liquidity for these exits to occur. New rules, which will allow rollover equity in certain circumstances, are also set to make it easier to structure these types of transactions.
Despite the positive signs, the current economic climate has caused credit to tighten, making it more difficult for people to structure deals that are approvable by banks. However, social media is helping entrepreneurs learn quickly what works and what doesn't, making the market more efficient and keeping it fairly liquid.
Overall, the banking industry for SMEs is changing rapidly, with new rules and technology making it easier for business owners to monetize their companies. While credit may be tight in the current economic climate, social media is helping to keep the market efficient and liquid. These trends are set to continue into the future, and it will be interesting to see how they develop over time.